Maps show no detail and are useless
Maps show no detail and are useless
Bought this to use offline maps on ipad mini connected to a GPS puck. Maps are bothersome to download (cant bundle download an area at all zoom levels) support is horrible, come to find out it doesnt work with wifi only models. Waste of money and effort. Id rate this zero stars if I could.
Some reviewers have not liked this app but I suspect they havent searched all the maps available and downloaded the best one for their needs. I just used this for navigation from Tampa Bay to Punta Gorda, FL, on a 30 hour sail and couldnt be more happy. I also had conventional navigation charts but this works so well as a simple chart-plotter that I seldom looked at the paper charts. I wouldnt bet my life on this product alone in a critical situation (unfamiliar, unmarked, tricky pass on a stormy night, etc) but its a great tool to have in the palm of your hand. Highly recommended!
This app takes time, practice and research to fully understand and use. My guess is those giving it a low rating do not fully understand all it capability. One you do it has excellent maps with waypoint, routing, tracking and point to point navigation features. Practice and on line tutorial referencing are must !
Buyers beware! Yes the app only cost $.99, but in order to really use this you have to buy other maps which costs in the neighborhood of $10 up to $40! I wouldve been better off buying an app that included the map.
Save your money
Im somewhat surprised at how popular this app is given the low quality image based maps that are not vector based like google maps. Any important landmarks are missing, detail is by far the most inferior Ive ever seen. You can cache google maps with all levels of detail with drastically better map resolution than pay for this and be handicapped. I wanted offline maps at all detail levels and no yearly fee for using this. I dont mind paying more for this feature but why do so many companies making mapping software miss this? Also for anyone interested there are Bluetooth wireless GPSs you can use now for your wifi only iPads that are superior than the cellular assisted ipad models.
You are forced to purchase expensive map downloads to actually use this app.
excellent software for US waters the best out there
The newest version crashes frequently when trying to zoom in or out. No new functions added for a long time. But once the crash problem is fixed, Id still give it 5 stars.
I bought this app a few weeks before a charter in St Pete. I was able to browse around the area and gain a comfort level from 500 Miles away. During the charter my phone spent a majority of the time sitting on top of the screen of the nice color chart plotter that was mounted on the boat. I found my phone was easier to read, much more responsive, and the screen was only a tiny bit smaller. One added perk, I was posting pictures of my trip on Facebook in real time. With this being on my iPhone I was able to take screenshots of the app so I could show friends where we were and how fast we were going with just a couple of clicks. Over all, very cool!
I use several navigation apps, and this is my favorite.
Terrible! Complete waste of time for boat navigation in us waters.